Reliable Tank Transport Services by Withofs Bulk Logistics


Tank Transport


Confident with liquids!

We have 35 tankers (22m³ to 42m³), both ADR and non-ADR, both is isolated and non-isolated, mono-cuve or with multiple compartiments.

Withofs Bulk Logistics

Beside the pure transport, we also take care of the stock management (Vendor Managed Inventory), assuring for the full 100% the availability of products (7/7 - 24/24).

Withofs Bulk Logistics is a reliable transport company with a vast experience in KIWA, hazardous waste, biomass products with deposit.

To ensure safety, all the discharge handlings can be done from the bottom side.

Withofs Bulk Logistics also has it's own cleaning centre which is used by ourselves as well as by our customers. Here we clean bulk and tank trailers.

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Don't  wait, call Bilal!

Shall we also transport your goods and products?

Contact our Bilal for an efficient conversation about your needs, expectations and destinations.

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