Intermodal Transport Services by Withofs Bulk Logistics


Intermodal Transport

tank container

Withofs Bulk Logistics is a specialist in the pre- and after road part of intermodal trucking of containers, with a focus on bulk goods.

We are the ideal partner for each synchro-modal operator. Our fleet in this segment consist of chassis with a low empty weight, mainly 20' and 30' of which approximately 40% ADR equipped, and some 40' chassis.
Among these chassis, 12 are tipping and most of these are including a rotary-valve.

Tipping Chassis

Withofs Bulk Logistics also has a wide range of container chassis, such as 20ft., 30ft., tipping chassis and rotary chassis for ISO and bulk containers.

Within our Intermodal division, Withofs Transport has a focus on the first and last mile between multimodal platform and loading/unloading place.

Mainly we provide intermodal transport services at the terminals of Genk, Antwerp, Gent, Zeebrugge, Moerdijk, Cologne, Neuss, Duisburg and Rotterdam.

Intermodal Container

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