Anchoring Growth: New Depot in Zeebrugge!

Catering to Growing Activity:

As we witness a significant surge in activity in the western region of Belgium, we understand the importance of being close to our customers. Our new depot in Zeebrugge positions us perfectly to provide efficient and timely services, enhancing our responsiveness to the needs of our clients

Zeebrugge Depot
Zeebrugge Depot

Proximity to Key Cities:

Situated at the crossroads of Ghent and Antwerp, and with easy access to the northern part of France, our Zeebrugge depot is strategically located to serve as a hub for seamless operations. This proximity ensures that our products and services can reach our customers with speed and precision.

Local Workforce Empowerment:

Recognizing the significance of local expertise, we are thrilled to announce that we want to expand our team by hiring truck drivers from the Zeebrugge region. This will not only strengthen our connection to the local community but it will  also enhance our ability to navigate the unique intricacies of the transportation landscape in this area.

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